Field Manual 3145 Download

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Battletech Mercenary Field Manual Read/Download But then I had to consider how much clan and SL level equipment the average mercenary company had. So, I wen't to my favorite book, Field Manual: Updates. Find Battletech in Canada / Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything! Heavy mechs Field manual Lyran. FM 6-22.5 Combat and Operational Stress Control Manual for Leaders and Soldiers - March 2009; FM 6-40 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery - April 1996; FM 6-50 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for The Field Artillery Cannon Battery - December 1996. May 22, 2013 Field Manual: 3145 updates the military and political state of the Inner Sphere as it stands in the year 3145. This report includes a brief history and overview of recent developments in the BattleTech universe, as well as current TO&Es for the major 'Mech forces and mercenary commands employed by the realms and Clans of the Dark Age Inner Sphere. United States Army Field Manuals are published by the United States Army's Army Publishing Directorate. As of 27 July 2007, some 542 field manuals were in use. They contain detailed information and how-tos for procedures important to soldiers serving in the field. They are usually available to the.

Field Manual: 3145 is the next installment of the Field Manual series set in the latter years of the Dark Age Era first described by WizKids - MechWarrior collectible miniatures game. This sourcebook provides a complete summary of the military readiness of the various factions in the BattleTech universe in the year 3145, shortly after the. Total Download: 782 File Size: 46,7 Mb. Description: Field Manual: 3145 is the next installment of the Field Manual series set in the latter years of the Dark Age Era first described by WizKids MechWarrior collectible miniatures game. This sourcebook provides a complete summary of the military readiness of the various factions in the.

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Technical Readout: 3145
Product information
Type Technical Readout
DevelopmentJason Schmetzer and Herbert A. Beas II (Development Assistance)
Primary writingHerbert A. Beas II
Aaron Cahall
Jason Hansa
Johannes Heidler
Ken’ Horner
Kevin Killiany
Philip A. Lee
Aaron Pollyea
Christopher Purnell
Craig Reed
Luke Robertson
Ben Rome
Jason Schmetzer
Adam Sherwood
Paul Sjardijn
Joel Steverson
Geoff Swift
Mike Timbers
Elliot Want
Andreas Zuber
Pages 223
Cover artworkAnthony Scroggins (Cover Design)
Interior artworkRay Arrastia (Layout & Cover Design)
IllustrationsChris Daranouvong
Stephen Huda
Alex Iglesias
Seth Kurbound
Matt Plog
Justin Nelson
Anthony Scroggins
Rudy Valle
David White
Publication information
PublisherCatalyst Game Labs
Product codeCAT35133
First published September 14, 2013
MSRP $39.99
EraDark Age era
Series Technical Readout 3145
Preceded byTechnical Readout: Prototypes
Followed byTechnical Readout: 3150


Technical Readout: 3145 (abbreviated as TRO:3145) is a in-universe publication which was written as an intelligence report on common designs of Combat Vehicles, Battle Armor, 'Mechs, Aerospace Fighter and DropShips for 3145. The publication includes variants of existing designs published previously in the Technical Readout 3145 Faction-themed PDF series, new changes to technologies once listed as Advanced and Experimental, new types of units (such as the Colossus-class 'Mechs and Quadvees), and Design Quirks. This book is Compilation from PDF series, with no additional new material was added in this print-only product.

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Publisher's Description[edit]

Eve of Destruction

The great experiment that was the Republic of the Sphere has failed. Withdrawn behind the Fortress walls, the once-great power has become a silent, opaque remnant of its former glory. Without its influence, old hatreds have risen anew. As war once more rages across the Inner Sphere, new equipment strides across ancient battlefields. Technology, once stagnated by trade restrictions and peace treaties, now surges forward again, testing these new machines in the fierce crucible of war.

Technical Readout: 3145 introduces the latest wave of new battle armor, vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units appearing in the Republic Armed Forces and across the Inner Sphere in the Dark Age era. Featuring new equipment described in Era Report: 3145 and Field Manual: 3145, this book brings players an update on the advancing technologies used in the battlefields of the thirty-second century.

For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations.


  • Introduction
    • How to Use this Technical Readout
  • Battle Armor
    • PAB-28 Sniper Suit[1]
    • Kishi Battle Armor[2]
    • Amazon Battle Armor[3]
    • Buraq Fast Battle Armor[4]
    • Oni Battle Armor[2]
    • Quirinus Battle Armor[5]
    • Simian Battle Armor[5]
    • Wraith Battle Armor[4]
    • Black Wolf Battle Armor[4]
    • Centaur Battle Armor[5]
    • Marauder Battle Armor[6]
    • Ogre Battle Armor[7]
    • Shen Long Battle Armor[3]
    • Taranis Battle Armor[5]
  • Vehicles
    • Gossamer VTOL[6]
    • Hawk Moth II Gunship[5]
    • Luduan Scout Vehicle[3]
    • Shandra Advanced Scout Vehicle[5]
    • Crane Heavy Transport[5]
    • Skadi Swift Attack VTOL[4]
    • MHI Amphibious APC[5]
    • Scimitar Mk II HCV[2]
    • Hasek Mechanized Combat Vehicle[1]
    • Scapha Hovertank[5]
    • Cizin[2]
    • R10 Mechanized ICV[7]
    • Cardinal Transport[6]
    • Aesir Medium AA Vehicle[4]
    • Kamakiri Attack VTOL[2]
    • JES III Missile Carrier[5]
    • MHI Defense AA Tank[5]
    • Manticore II Heavy Tank[8]
    • Pixiu Heavy Tank[3]
    • Hanse MBT[1]
    • DI Schmitt Tank[8]
    • Bulwark Assault Vehicle[7]
    • Behemoth II Heavy Tank[3]
    • Paladin Defense System[1]
  • BattleMechs
    • CLR-03-O Celerity Drone OmniMech[5]
    • GN-20 Gùn[3]
    • GBT-1G Gambit[7]
    • CH11-NG Gunsmith[1]
    • CVR-A1 Cadaver[6]
    • JLP-BD Jackalope[5]
    • UBM-2R Revenant[5]
    • WulfenOmniMech[4]
    • Eyrie[4]
    • FS9-M2 Firestarter[8]
    • HVC-P6 Havoc[7]
    • RK-4T Rokurokubi[2]
    • STM-R3 Storm Raider[8]
    • Tiburon[6]
    • NSR-K3 Night Stalker[5]
    • VT-U1 Violator[7]
    • AGT-1A Agrotera[3]
    • CN-11O CenturionOmniMech[1]
    • MGL-T1 Mongrel[8]
    • SRTH-1O SarathOmniMech[7]
    • CyllarosQuadVee[4]
    • EXR-2X Exhumer[2]
    • GTL-1O Gauntlet[8]
    • Gyrfalcon[4]
    • HKZ-1F Hitotsume Kozo[2]
    • KHP-7R Kheper[5]
    • VLP-1D Vulpes[1]
    • Vulture IV[6]
    • LMT-2R Lament[5]
    • SCG-WF1 Scourge[8]
    • URA-2A Ursa[8]
    • LI-O VandalOmniMech[3]
    • CRN-7M Carronade[7]
    • HD-2F Hound[6]
    • BLK-NT-5H Black Knight[1]
    • Mad Cat IVOmniMech[6]
    • MS-1A Mortis[3]
    • SH-1V Shiro[2]
    • TNZ-N3 Tian-zong[3]
    • UAE-7R Uraeus[5]
    • WarwolfOmniMech[4]
    • DLR-O Doloire[5]
    • NTL-AG Neanderthal[7]
    • ZEU-X4 Zeus X[8]
    • STK-9A Stalker II[7]
    • Shrike[4]
    • TN-10-O TenshiOmniMech[2]
    • AS7-D3 Atlas III[1]
    • MAL-XT Malice[5]
    • Tomahawk IIOmniMech[4]
    • PSD-V2 Poseidon Superheavy Tripod[5]
    • ARS-V1 Ares Superheavy Tripod OmniMech[5]
  • Aerospace
    • SCK-O SchrackOmniFighter[5]
    • Condottiere Assault Craft[6]
    • CUT-01D Cutlass (AeroSpace Fighter)[1]
    • SMG-O SimurghOmniFighter[5]
    • KOS-1A Koroshiya[2]
    • Caerleon (Small Craft)[7]
    • Würger (Small Craft)[8]
    • Nagasawa-class DropShip[6]
    • Gorgon Carrier (DropShip)[7]
    • Duat Military Transport[5]
  • New Tech, New Upgrades
    • Battle Armor
    • Vehicles
    • BattleMechs
    • AeroSpace Fighters
    • DropShips
  • Technological Advancements:3145
    • The Dark Age Technology Advancement Table
    • New Design Quirks

See Also[edit]


Field Manual 3145 Download Free

  • TRO: 3145 is an abridged, printed version of the Technical Readout: 3145 series of PDF faction-based supplements (above See Also section). The following references indicate the original source for each entry:
  • All entries from Technical Readout: 3145 Republic of the Sphere, including the introduction by Paladin Lakewood, were originally printed in this title.
  • TRO: 3150 was published two years (real-time) after this book, it would publish units in the TRO: 3145 PDF Series which were excluded from this publication.

Field Manual 3145 Pdf Download


  1. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns supplemental PDF.
  2. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine supplemental PDF.
  3. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Capellan Confederation supplemental PDF.
  4. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans supplemental PDF.
  5. entry is presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Republic of the Sphere supplemental PDF.
  6. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Mercenaries supplemental PDF.
  7. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Free Worlds League supplemental PDF.
  8. entry was originally presented in the Technical Readout: 3145 Lyran Commonwealth supplemental PDF.

Field Manual 3145 Download For Windows 7

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